In line with, and complimentary to, Pitt’s commitment to Greater Hazelwood and the development of the cutting edge BioForge project, the Gismondi Neighborhood Education Program will launch a collection of programming devoted to the life sciences. Programming is offered with existing community-based organizations and with schools within Greater Hazelwood.
Life Sciences in Action
Programming includes opportunities for youth to gain hands-on, foundational experience with various forms of the life sciences to build an interest in pursuing a career in the field.
The Gismondi Neighborhood Education Program also supports out-of-school-time programs that are already in place throughout the community, including PreK-12 support.
In addition to life sciences programming, in-school tutoring is offered in Greater Hazelwood-serving elementary schools during the week.
In addition to life sciences programming, in-school tutoring will be offered at Pittsburgh Mifflin PreK-8 on weekdays.